About National AJET
Excerpt from the National AJET Constitution:
The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) is a volunteer organisation affiliated with the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme. The purpose of AJET is to foster a successful working relationship between JET Programme sponsors and JET Programme participants. AJET promotes community and peer fellowship, provides support and resources, and acts as the representative body of JET participants.
National AJET provides a variety of services for JETs at a national level, many of which can be found on its homepage at AJET.net.
About Tokushima AJET
Local chapters of AJET such as Tokushima AJET further these goals at a grassroots level by interacting with the community, organizing events, starting fundraisers, and finding opportunities to get JETs involved with their local areas.
How can I be part of AJET?
Each year, JETs have an opportunity to apply and to vote on who will help represent and organize us in AJET. More details will always be sent out as elections approach. You can see the process we use and past results at our voting page.